Suirside Construction Ltd

Health & Safety Policy

As Managing Director of Suirside Construction Ltd, | acknowledge that | am ultimately accountable for the company’s adherence to Health and Safety Legislation. The Company is committed to ensuring, in so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of our workplaces, our employees, sub-contractors and visitors to our places of work along with any other persons that may be affected by or come in contact with our day to day work activities. We believe that accidents are preventable and will take all reasonable steps to ensure accident prevention in our workplaces.

The Suirside Construction Ltd management team shall ensure that a risk management approach is adopted in work activities and that all work is carried out in compliance with current legislation to include (but not limited to):

  • Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005
  • Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013
  • Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 to 2016
  • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction)(Amendment)Regulations 2020, S.I. No. 102 of 2020

We shall also comply with any other Regulation, Codes of Practice or Standard relevant to our work activities. Our health and safety policies and procedures shall be developed in consultation with our staff, revised on a yearly basis or as required by changes in legislation and communicated to all employees through regular safety meetings.

It is the aim of Suirside Construction Ltd, through a process of continual improvement of the company safety management system, to provide, in so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and healthy work conditions in order to reduce work related injury and illness to the lowest possible levels.

To achieve this aim Suirside Construction Ltd will:

  • Putin place systems and processes, plans, training, information and other methods of control and risk mitigation to
    ensure, as far as reasonably practicable the health and safety of employees and others at workplaces in its control.
  • Provide through ongoing risk assessment, and monitoring of work practices, information and controls for the planning and organisation activities.
  • Engage, consult and communicate with, employees and sub-contractors in the development and review of safety management tools and procedures. Take account of their representations, on so far as is reasonably practicable, on issues related to safety at work.
  • Ensure that all plant and equipment, hired or purchased, is compliant with current regulations and standards for safety and health at work. Utilise the most up to date techniques, materials and technology at workplaces under control of the company.
  • Set goals, and review and revise on a regular basis all systems and processes for safety and health management. Put in place adequate resources, and as required external skills and competence, for the provision of advice and guidance in relation to safety and health at work, changes in legislation and best practice.
  • Audit and report on site based activity with an action plan issued and executed for any noted opportunity to develop and improve safety systems
  • Ensure that this policy is clearly communicated to all employees, sub-contractors and other interested parties.
  • Review this policy periodically and as necessary based on changes to legislation, company structure or core activities.
  • Implement and maintain a management system to meet SafeTcert requirements at all site and office locations.

A Selection of Our Latest Projects

De La Salle School – Kilkenny
Loko Restaurant
Teva Pharmaceuticals
83 The Quay, Waterford